Summer is just flying by! I finally got around to uploading the pictures on my camera this morning, and was surprised to see some that I had forgotten all about! Anna's birthday for instance...

My Anna girl turned 7! When I was a kid we had to wait until dinner to open our birthday presents, but my kids get to open them as soon as they wake up on
their birthday. Hence the PJ's and robes.

Finally!! Anna has been wanting a scooter for a long time.

We had a horse themed birthday party for her friends in the afternoon.

Then the family party later that night.

Watch out for the severed man hand on the right!!

A random summer day with friends. They were all eating snacks and making faces.

The kids eating hot dogs out on the deck. I think they look pretty relaxed.

I had to be very sneaky to get this picture. The girls were dancing in the kitchen, but they were too embarrassed to let me watch them. So I just snuck my camera around the corner and snapped it once-a little blurry, but I got it!

Yesterday we went to visit uncle Danny and aunt Carissa. They have a community garden spot, and we picked the first ripe tomato of the season to eat with our picnic.

"We made a tomato!" He He!